The lost kid
Once upon a time there was a kid. He was lost in the forest. He had lived one year in the forest. His name was Charlie. Charlie missed his parents. Did they forget him? It all started when he and his parents were in the forest for a walk. Charlie's mom had said to be careful. But, Charlie ran away, following a butterfly. The good thing was that in school they learned how to survive in a forest. Charlie ate bread. Untill, Charlie had ate up all. After he walked to a lake to drink. He heard something. It was a Wolf.
- Ah! Charlie screamed.
- Voff!
- Can you help me find out of the forest? Asked Charlie.
- Voff!
It was like he said yes! Charlie was happy. It was a miracle! THE BEST DAY EVER! But, he could not be to happy. They walked over 2 hours. Untill they came to a bright and shiny fountain. OH!
- MOM!!! DAD!!! Charlie screamed!
- CHARLIE!!! WHERE WERE YOU! They cried in happiness.
They got home and Charlie was so happy!